Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the world and Indonesia. Stroke is a situation where blood flow to the brain stops suddenly.
Brett Kissela, from the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Ohio, United States researched that the number of stroke sufferers increased at the age of 20–54 years due to poor lifestyle. How to prevent it?
Get regular exercise
Exercise has been shown to make the heart stronger so that it can flow blood more optimally. In addition, exercise can reduce the level of obesity which is at risk of causing high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and others. Regular light physical activity can reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Eat healthy foods
Start staying away from foods that contain excess fat and cholesterol. Consume more fruits and vegetables every day to get enough beta-carotene intake.
Blood pressure control
Check your blood pressure regularly. If an increase is detected, consult a doctor immediately for treatment.
Quit smoking
Cigarettes have been shown to be a factor in increasing stroke risk. In addition, stopping smoking can also reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.
Stay away from alcohol
For some people, alcohol can help warm your body temperature, but not if you consume too much. In addition to a higher risk of stroke, people who consume alcohol excessively will experience damage to the liver in the long run.
Get potassium
Research reveals that eating foods containing potassium every day will reduce the risk of stroke by 40%. Potatoes, avocados, and soybeans are rich in potassium.
So, start preventing your risks early!
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